For VP Communications

Hey UBC Kin! My name is Leah and I’m so excited to be running to be your next VP Communications! Here is my FIRE platform!



  • Continue KINclusion through open and clear KINmunication on all platforms: more interactive content, Q&A’s, and open forums for feedback

  • Gather student input and ideas to create merch designs that YOU want!


  • Continue creating student recap videos on our social media (highlighting student experiences using content from YOU!)

  • Officially add the newly created KUS Yearbook to the Communications portfolio, ensuring that every year we have an amazing scrapbook to look back on 


  • KINgage, KINnect, and amplify our KINmmunity

  • As a content production and podcast coordinator I successfully increased our engagement and reach through trend-fueled video content

  • Continue to develop our brand and social media presence on Instagram and TikTok using viral, algorithm-driven post